Difference Between BBL and Butt Implant


Difference Between BBL and Butt Implant

  I want to discuss the variations between a Brazilian butt lift and a butt implant today. Because some of our patients have trouble choosing between different treatments when they wish to improve the appearance of their buttocks. My objective is to inform patients on each treatment option and assist them in making the best decision possible with the assistance of our surgeons.

  Butt Implant is the first procedure I'd like to discuss. As implied by the treatment's name, our doctors will insert an implant to improve the area in a manner similar to a breast implant. You can achieve the desired look with a butt implant, but it won't seem as natural as BBL. However, a significant improvement is possible with a butt implant. Following a face-to-face consultation prior to the procedure, our doctors will decide the size of the implant while taking your demands into account. In addition, I want to let you know that since our surgeon will be inserting an implant, there will be stitches.

  I'll go into detail about the Brazilian Butt Implant as the second treatment. In the BBL procedure, our doctors use liposuction to remove excess fat from other areas of your body and inject it into specific regions of your buttocks to improve their appearance. You kill two birds with one stone when you use the BBL. The undesired fat on your body, such as the fat in your back or abdomen, will be eliminated first. You eliminate the surplus fat in these regions to give them a more accentuated appearance. Second, to give your buttocks the desired appearance, our doctors will inject the bodily fat they removed from your body into them.  To improve your appearance, you will recycle the extra fat in your body. Additionally, compared to a butt implant, the Brazilian Butt Lift gives you a more natural-looking appearance.

  In conclusion, if you want a natural appearance, you should select the Brazilian Butt Lift, which is essentially a liposuction procedure. And your recovery time will be quicker than the Butt Implant's. However, you can significantly improve the area with the Butt Implant. And in both procedures, our surgeons will make every effort to meet your needs and give you the appearance you desire. Contact now with Medlife to achieve the better look that you desire. 

  You will hear from one of our medical consultants as soon as they can. Additionally, they will assist you in making the optimal treatment decision with the assistance of our surgeons.


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Jul 01, 2022

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