Everything You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation Surgery


Everything You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is a procedure to enhance breast size. It requires positioning breast implants under the breast tissue or muscles of the abdomen. Breast augmentation improves the fullness or volume of the breasts. You can consider surgery if you feel that your breasts are too small, if they have lost their fullness with pregnancy or age, or if you feel that they have grown asymmetrically. Most people show far higher rates of self-confidence and satisfaction after breast augmentation operations, and show becoming highly happy with the outcome of their operation.

Until treatment, though, learning what to expect from post-surgery and how long it would take for a patient to feel fully healed will help people properly plan for what will be a life-transforming event.

How to Prepare

Until operation, you must have some time with the surgeon. At this visit, you should have the opportunity to pose concerns about surgery, advantages, usual effects, and healing periods. Wear or bring loose-fitting clothes, like a top with buttons or zips on the sides. Days prior to the operation, the surgeon may advise you to quit taking aspirin, Advil (ibuprofen), Coumadin (warfarin) and any other drugs that may trigger bleeding issues.

Avoid smoking at least 3 to 6 weeks before surgery. Smoking can reduce the size of blood arteries, which implies fewer blood supply and less oxygen. If you are having breast enlargement surgery, it may lead to tissue loss, slow wound healing, excessive discomfort.

During the procedure

Your surgeon must make a simple cut (incision) in one of three areas to insert the implant, in the crease under your breast (inframammary), under your arm (axillary), across your nipple (periareolar).

The implants are either positioned under the pectoral muscles or above the pectoral muscle and immediately below the breast tissue. Speak to the surgeon beforehand to validate which surgical procedure is appropriate for you, based on the anatomy and the result you expect.


You may feel some discomfort for around a week after operation, and you may endure soreness and inflammation for a few weeks. Rest and minimize physical exercise for the first few days before the physician gives you approval to restart the activities. When you are recovering, it can aid to wear a supportive bandage or sports bra for extra breast implant support and placement.

To ensure a successful healing, follow the directions of your surgeon. Wear the healing bra and take care of your incision sites as instructed. Make sure to take a lot of rest and follow a balanced diet. After approximately 8 weeks, you will be completely healed and able to resume your daily activities.

Apr 17, 2020

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