What to expect after you get a BBL?


What to expect after you get a BBL?

Pursuit of the hourglass body shape

BBL is a painless liposuction technique in which the fat from the upper body is injected to the lower body, making it possible for patients to have their desired hourglass shape. With it, the porportions of the body is improved and the patient has well rounded buttocks. Their look is improved as their body fat distribution is more ordinate and a symmetrical look is possible with this procedure.

Patients who have gotten a BBL achieve their desired hourglass body look with a well rounded buttocks as well as more harmonius body fat distribution. They achieve a more symmetrical look after the surgery. After getting a BBL, patients quickly recover after period of time as short as 4 weeks and at the end of this recovery time they can go back to excercising and improve upon their new look with lower body excercies. During the recovery time, you shouldn't be doing anything that is deemed dangerous for you. These include: Heavy lifting, not taking the perscribed medication, not wearing your protective garment during this period and not following the guides on how to sit and sleep. After you follow these important steps, your dream body is set in place and you don't have to waste months and even years at the gym.

With the help of BBL, the desired hourglass shape is possible in just a few hours! If you would like to learn more about BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) procedure, please contact us and our medical consultants will contact you to help you achieve your desired look!


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Jan 30, 2023

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